Join us Sunday Mornings6th-12th grade | 10:45am-12pm | LifePointe Church Underground
Flipside Student Ministry shares the mission of LifePointe Church: “To glorify God and make gospel driven disciples by engaging people with the unexpected joy of a life more and more dependent on Jesus.” Our team hopes to both exemplify and raise up a generation of students who will fulfill this mission.
Every Sunday morning, following LifePointe’s corporate worship service, our students meet in “The Underground” from 10:45am-12:00. Students will be provided breakfast and will enjoy a short game, listen to a large group lesson delivered by our Student Pastor, and end with a time for small group discussion.
Flipside Student Ministry has two LifeGroups that meet in host homes on Sunday evenings. These times center on more discussion based teaching and provide a time for students and leaders to gather in a more relaxed setting. For more information on LifeGroup times and locations contact Andrew Mattison. andrewmattison@sharethelife.org